About the Business
Graeme Stroud ND, MRN, DO, ACOH is an osteopath, naturopath, certified zen body therapist and a qualified healer. Graeme established the Basildon Clinic in 1985 and we pride ourselves in providing a professional, effective and friendly service. The practice is quite unique in that we specialise in using a combination of conventional osteopathy and deep tissue massage. Graeme pioneered this approach in the mid 1980s as he found he got extremely effective results using this combination. Graeme specialises in the treatment and prevention of sports injuries and the improvement of sports performance.
He has treated a number of top athletes and written many articles for the sports and health press. Sports people have come from all over Britain to be treated at the Basildon Clinic. Apart from being an osteopath Graeme is also a naturopath, zen bodytherapist and holistic healer and offers natural treatments for those wishing to deal with general health, emotional and stress issues.
Location & Hours

Howard Chase